One of the most inspiring and relevant pieces of work for the current brief, beautiful craftsmanship from Felice Varini, view the website for a full archive of works. As I am looking at perspective this is the perfect example of what I would like to produce for the space at Aqua. I like the use of colour here, its something I may have to start looking at.
Love this mocked-up window display for Cho's Grocery by Alice Cho. As I haven't specified if I want to make a mock-up of the window, maybe something like this will give a good indication of what it will look like, I love the fact that here she has created an AM/PM series.
Some lovely work by a multi-disciplinary arts & design studio from copenhagen, Hvass & Hannibal. This piece of work reminds me much of what I would like to produce for the visuals for the shop window, in particular the hanging shapes. The theme of this work is based on information graphics, spanning for data around the weather to flags, this piece of work was exhibited in the Kemistry Gallery in London.
I quite liked this piece of type as well, designed by Tim Fishlock. I like this visual quality to this much like the invitations designed for the exhibition at the Kemistry Gallery. Found via Liam Hine's Blog.
Renowned for her suspended installations, Cornelia Parker's work has given me great inspiration for the visual side of window visuals. I'd love to create something this tactile, this piece is composed of rocks, I like the way the shapes become larger as you go deeper into the installation.
Tim Wan my fellow critter took notes on during the Crit on wednesday and also directed me to a couple of useful pieces of information, such as the IDN magazine issue on design for retail. Definitely some inspiring pieces of work here, as for myself I'm getting there.
Still having trouble with the design direction of this, Ross Stanton seemed pretty taken with the brief that I was wanting to do and directed me to some illustrative work by Thomas Neulinger. I really like these illustrations, the arrangement of body shapes mixed with black and white imagery.
I really like the visual quality but to be honest I still feel I lack a particular design direction. A theme or word that I can work from and produce visuals for, or is it ultimately that I don't and simply and aesthetically piece of imagery will 'look' the best?
Love the visual quality of these installation pieces, designed by Ether Stocker a visual artist from Italy. The simplicity and minimalist use of colour is quite interesting, something I will be looking for in my work.
Kinda sounds like something from Glee, seems as well to be the only thing making my happy these days. And along similar lines to this I intend to, "Cut some shapes."
From the Crit today I was expecting the worse but through talking to people I needed to clarify a design direction and what it is I actually want to produce for them obviously there was the matter of what I had therefore been doing for three weeks, I don't think we should mention that.
As a few things to start the research off what I wanted to look at was more minimal design, forget relating what I am doing to winter and create design that is influenced by being new, much like the fast paced thinking of aqua couture. Words to think about include:
- Minimal design
- Shapes (possibly pieces of the logo)
- Shadows
- Lighting
- Moving objects
- Scales
- Transformations
- Decorative minimalist typography
- Hidden/Transforming perspectives
Its about graphic design but on a spacial and interactive level, Ross Stanton whom is a regular to the Aqua scene seemed very taken to the brief that i had proposed. He recommended a minimal design strategy and suggested the use of installation video as a possibility. Kate Fenton also suggested the use of video within the form of digital projections. I intend of having a research day tomorrow and at the end of the day begin constructing something to carry forward.
On looking at wool I remembered that when I went to the Manchester Urbis we also stopped by the Craft Centre and caught ee on this beautiful bannister rail cover completely in wool. I shows what you can do with it on a community basis, where every one pulls together to create something beautiful, it was awesome as well to run your hand over. And it didn't have to just be a plain covering for instance you could make a sleeping bag and put a bear inside it.
I couldn't help but notice the latest, window merchandising from Harvey Nichols on the way past to college. Recently based upon cascading letterforms the new direction seems based upon a lot of shapen wood. Lots of more natural based colours with lots of textures still existing. I really like the way this is designed, the sweeping wood forming elegant curves with the models interacting with the display as it moves over the scene. I particularly like the way it moves upwards through the building, creating that enticing entrance way.
I also noticed the latest Jack-Wills windows, using vintage suitcases and mixed type forms, it works really nicely as a composition. I think I would like to work with something much more related to the season, rather than creating pretty compositions.
Probably totally irrelevant but having started to look into wool I thought in terms of in-store giveaways something like this would create impact, but it would not fit with the styling of the collection, especially the women's wear.
I didn't actually view this when it came to making my colour swatches but I think I have done pretty well as the colours I have selected are on similar lines.
Illustrator Mike Perry is a great example of range, one particular styLe that can be spread across a range of different products and media from trainers to posters. You've just got to love these shoes. Get them here at StringRepublic.
Love this guys expression as well, how much excitement can you get over a bin?
From Leeds born and bred, I am currently studying a Graphic Design degree at LCA in my home town. I like writing words, casually drawing and taking photographs as well as the usual things like everyone else. These blogs follow and document my practices in design, influences and responses and my own work.