Having pitched my concept for the "What is Good?" project, one of the first things that was suggested was to just get on creating some visuals. So I booked some sessions in for the laser cutting machine at South Leeds CLC (I couldn't apparently do it in college, so meh), and then I've just prepared my screen to do some printed napkins as a sample for the project and I also wanted to do some foil blocking, which looks awesome. In the mean time I thought i'd do some more contextual research and I found these lovely visuals by Alex Merto, a freelance graphic designer in new york who works a lot with printed media for various clients and works on various projects such as window visuals to publications, I love his working style for instance the way a trip to Japan inspired him to make a small magazine out of the bands that he saw. Lovely stuff. Here are some of his poster pieces he has created from trails of thought, the doubts he has had when he has produced work. Via Pitch Design Union.

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