As a start to the project I thought I'd best give an idea about who i am working with and for and more importantly inform about what they produce etc.
Aqua couture is a leeds based fashion buyer and seller, specializing in high end couture clothing designed to bring together the most up-to date clothing pieces from various designers not designing around fashion trends or with seasonal trends but boasts the latest in innovative design.
Shape, texture and layering seem to be some of their key feature when selecting designs. Clothing is far from practical and is focussed on unusual design, handmade luxury items are often something that is sold often in limited numbers and at higher prices.
As well as predominantly women's clothing they also have a menswear range again consisting of bespoke pieces and clothing designed based on unusual and innovative patterns.
Their website, AquabyAqua continues their up-to date appearance, with a new blog to document their ranges and design they are also available vis twitter and other social networking site and you can buy directly from the shop.

Men's and women's clothing centers on unusual pattern design and shape. The Pricing strategy for their items is premium based. Luxury items range in price the average basic t-shirt selling for over £50.00, more limited items can start heading into the hundreds.
As one of their primary stockists, Ryan Holliday-Stevens produces over 12 different ranges per year. As one of their primary stockist and designer I will be contacting him if there is any information he may be able to I've me, or useful links for the forthcoming season.
His blog 5.16 provides a useful documentation for his practice and what he is currently looking at in design for fashion.
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