From my delelopmental work I got several comments that people had seen the heartform that Ihad been depicting before. So I found out what it was, apparently the Used used a heartform very similarly to what I was doing but I was far more illustrative [below] on one of their album covers. I actually quite like it. One of the comments I recieved was to look at types of media I could use to craft the animation, the use of texture couls help make my animation look much more crafted and in so doing boost that idea of 'romanticised' imagery BUT still retain that twist of horror, suggestings of not altering the use of colour too much would seem to take away what the idents are communicating.
From Leeds born and bred, I am currently studying a Graphic Design degree at LCA in my home town. I like writing words, casually drawing and taking photographs as well as the usual things like everyone else. These blogs follow and document my practices in design, influences and responses and my own work.
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