After sitting down to finally narrow dow an idea which we wanted to carry forward we decided that our audience doesn't know about the Fedrigoni showrooms and the opportunity to exhibit work in one of the most successful design capitals. We want to inform our audience of young designers/institutions and local design agencies that the space is available for their use as an exhibition/meeting/event space as it is free available space within a sought-after location.
We therefore intend to market this space by means of a mail-shot piece that will by sent to local design agencies and Higher education institutions nationally. This should:
+ Inform them about what possibilities they can use the space for.
+ Inform them of the opportunity to exhibit work within a design capital.
+ The fact that there are no costs to using the space.
We are both interested in manipulation of paper as a means of communicating. As our ideas have developed we started looking at what would be most appealing to graphic designers, in particular graphic students and the local design agencies, whom use paper. What we both found as good informative graphics was the poster. The D&AD competitions brief poster is used to entice that particular audience of students. It is a direct communication of information that is designed in a beautifully ordered layout with a crisp attention to detail using simple colours.